What Does Our Government Do?

What does our government do?

What does our government do? I think lots of people do not realize all of the things government does. I fore on take for granted all of the things our government does.

How we love to hate our government. Have you really stopped to think about what our government actually does for us? Here is an incomplete list of 100 things of what our government does, or has done, for the American people.

What Does Our Government Do?


100 Things Government Does For Americans


Air Force




Art Galleries


Automobile Licensing


Automobile Safety


Bill of Rights


Business Incorporation


Border Protection


Coal Energy & Subsidies




Computer Research and Development






Countless Innovations for Everyday Life




Disaster Assistance


Disaster Recovery


Early Childhood Services


Elementary Schools


Environmental Protection


Export Trade


Fair Business Practices


Financial Aid


Fire Fighters


Fire Fighting


First Time Home Buyer


Flood Management


Food Safety


Food Stamps


Foreign Affairs


Foster Care


Free Media


Fresh Water


Gas Energy & Subsidies


Global Positioning System




Health Care


Health Standards


High Schools




Homeownership Assistance


Housing Assistance




Import Trade


Independent News






Judicial System


Land Management


Law Creation


Law Enforcement






Living Standards




Medical Safety






Mental Health


Middle Schools




NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)


National Defense


National Guard


National Parks


National Security




NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)


NPR (National Public Radio)


Oil Energy & Subsidies


PBS (Public Broadcasting Station)


Personal Protection


Police Officers


Power Research and Development






Product Safety


Protecting Our Liberties


Public Schools




Rescue Workers




School Teachers




Sewage Treatment


Smithsonian Institute


Social Security


Solar Power


Special Needs Assistance


State Parks


Student Aid


Student Loans


Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment


Unemployment Insurance


Unemployment Job Assistance


United States Postal Service


Weather Satellites


Wind Energy & Subsidies


Youth Development



This is far from a complete list of what our government does. This was simply meant to get us to stop and think about “What does our government do?” It does a lot, nobody can argue that fact.

Feel free to post in the comments below. Did you think of any other important things about “What does our government do?” Please post your additions below.

Planned Parenthood is About Women’s Health

Political Maneuvering Threatens the Health of Millions of Women

planned-parenthood-busThe attacks on our basic services continue. This time they are targeting women’s health. The government wants to make outrageous funding cuts Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood provides a broad spectrum of essential services to millions of women. Their opposition chooses to focus on one facet of service to women in order to justify the cuts. Planned Parenthood provides invaluable health care services for millions of women, without the burden of narrow, shortsighted, and religious views. Politicians seek to cut funding through the guise of required budget cuts that only go after the services they are ideologically opposed to. Shameful.

Planned Parenthood helps millions of women a year through services and education. They provide preventative care, help women deal with serious health concerns, reproductive issues, and provide education regarding healthy pregnancy.

Many of these women have little to no income, and cannot afford regular health insurance and health care. Planned Parenthood provides a safe and non-judgmental place where women can seek medical help and counseling. Those who could not seek treatment elsewhere would go untreated, were it not for this organization, ultimately costing Medicare and other social services so much more.

They also provide a place for teenagers who are sexually active or are considering becoming sexually active to get some education, health care, and contraception, in most states without requiring parental consent. In some cases, teenagers who are too afraid or embarrassed to ask their parents have a resource for this information, preventing teen pregnancy and disease.

Planned Parenthood is a vital part of our support structure for these women and help to prevent many preventable and treatable deaths per year.


Planned Parenthood provides the following services and many more to low income women nationwide:

  • STD Tests
  • Pap Smears
  • Breast Exams
  • Birth Control
  • Reproductive Issues Education
  • Service for Title X Patients

Stand With Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood plans a week-long demonstration throughout the country to counter the misinformation being spread by anti-choice demonstrators and Republicans pushing these funding cuts beginning March 7th.

Write your representatives and tell them it is totally unacceptable to cut funding to such a vital group as Planned Parenthood. It is especially insulting when they are willing to sacrifice the health and well-being of millions of women and children, but are unwilling to give up tax breaks for the upper 2% of Americans (which would greatly decrease the need to make these kind of budget cuts in the first place). It is totally un-American to force its most desperate people to sacrifice so much when the politicians will not sacrifice even a little.

If you can head out to one of the demonstration areas and join Planned Parenthood in their Truth Tour, please do so this week. Show your support for them and the millions of women they support. Don’t let the ridiculous Politico environment continue to erode our most basic services, our safety nets, that help to keep this country and its people strong. Stand up, stand tall, and support the rights of the people and the services they use. Fight back, stand proud and help Planned Parenthood keep the funding it needs to keep reaching out to millions of low income women.

Please go and sign the petition in support of Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood supports millions of women nationwide who depend on their services for their own personal health.

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