UN Coalition Defends Democracy in Libya

libya-protestsLead by the US, UN forces started a campaign to enforce a no fly zone in Libya dubbed Odyssey Dawn. Approximately 110 new and old Tomahawk missiles were fired into the Libyan night, targeting roughly 20 strategic locations to knock out the Libyan surface to air defense network.

Some of the countries involved in enforcing the UN resolution are; United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Qatar

Everyone hates to see it come to such violence and deadly actions. It is good to see that the UN is standing behind their promise and moving in institute a no-fly zone as requested by the Libyan people. Gadhafi’s military and supports have been violently attacking demonstrators in Libya, and the UN is helping to defend this country’s people against their own government.

It is amazing to me to see how democracy is spreading throughout the world recently. It is amazing how 21st century technologies are being used to spread the word of the people. Social media has proven to be a powerful force in uniting people toward a common cause. Too long have many people been suppressed, downtrodden, suffering terrible human rights violations. This new technology has been used in many unforeseen ways and empowered nations of people who for decades, had no voice.

Stand by the Libyan people and support their revolution into democracy. Don’t let the talking heads convince you that anyone, anywhere around the world does not have the right or is not ready. It is a fundamental right to have what a true democracy brings to its people. Everyone on the planet deserves to have a voice in the world around them, no matter their race, creed, economic status or politico faction.

There may be micro issues on why some would argue against a democratic country but the larger and most important thing is that all people deserve the most basic human rights. From there, we can begin to tackle the smaller or more focused issues of the world and how they affect us.

Why would anyone else ever deserve less then what we have?


Democratic Dominos

voter-infoI don’t know about you, but seeing and hearing about the Domino Effect that has started through the Middle East, starting with Tunisia, is something amazing to behold. The power of technology is empowering those people. It has empowered many to make the world a better place for them and ultimately for everyone.

Most of us can agree that a free Democracy is the way for the populations of the world to find true prosperity. A free democracy gives all of its people the political power to forge the future for themselves. It is a powerful and empowering method of government in which I believe that all of the people of the world deserve.

So did many others, especially FOX news. Years ago they fought, and pushed, and said that democracy is something that everyone should have. That people all over the world have the right, as do we, to be free in a truly free democratic society. So now why is there a sudden backlash from the Right Wing headed by FOX news to downplay the amazing uprisings taking place in these areas? It seems their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Secret History of the Iraq War

Secret History of the Iraq War

We literally invaded a country without being provoked on the grounds of “defense” and later justified our misled invasion as spreading democracy throughout the world. When anyone questioned the actions or the motives of the Bush Administration and the Iraq War, they were attacked as traitors, unpatriotic and weak. Now there are countries that are trying to bring democracy into their own countries and they balk, sidestep and even question these other countries on their worthiness or ability to handle a free democracy. It’s absolutely crazy.

Are the American people’s memories so short that they cannot remember only a few short years ago? It’s not like we’re relying on history books or drawings on a cave wall. We KNOW what happened. We all lived through it. So why then is there such discourse in such a simple fact, that we were all supposed to agree on, that everyone, EVERYONE deserves a free democracy. In a free democracy the people have the power to make their country into what they want, what works best for them and will give everyone a say in how things are done.

Denial and Deception: A Study of the Bush Administration's Rhetorical Case for Invading Iraq

Denial and Deception: A Study of the Bush Administration's Rhetorical Case for Invading Iraq

I know, they talk about oil prices going up. They talk about trade changing and uncertainty. There is uncertainty because we have supported the regimes there for years. We’ve ignored the boot on the peoples’ backs as long as we can get cheap oil. Enough already. It’s time to stop greed from ruling our every decision. This newest argument, the one asking if they can “handle” democracy needs to stop. We need to support all people that are fighting and dying for human rights.

It’s also time to realize that whether we lose the oil today or in 50 years we will most certainly, and assuredly lose the oil. This is why we must act now to improve our own energy policies and move toward renewables. We must start to wean ourselves off oil. We must stop oil and gas subsidies and transfer these to renewable energies. The oil and gas companies really don’t need subsidies. They make billions of dollars in profit every month, and are so greedy they apparently can’t spend a small portion of that on decent blowout preventers on their oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico.

Power of the Vote: Electing Presidents, Overthrowing Dictators, and Promoting Democracy Around the World

Power of the Vote: Electing Presidents, Overthrowing Dictators, and Promoting Democracy Around the World

So please take a step back and look at the big picture. We, as the flagship of freedom and democracy set the precedent and hold ourselves to the highest standard of these ideals. We must also support and foster these democratic ideals worldwide.

We must support human rights both here and abroad. We must push this country to a sustainable future, so we don’t have to support these horrible regimes which are antithesis to our very being. When we do what is right by us, we will do right by the world. When we do right by the world, we will then have the right kind of world for all of its people.

Glenn Becks Day’s May Be Numbered

glenn-crazy-criesOne can only hope! The past several years of his ranting and raving have gone from strange to totally ridiculous. Amazingly his illogical and paranoid rants entertained and even convinced many Americans of the crazy things that came out of his mouth. If you sit back and critically think through what Glenn Beck has said over the last couple of years you should be astonished that he hasn’t been laughed out of the spotlight yet.

On a more serious note, it has become obvious that his shows over the years have done America great harm. From paranoid conspiracy theories to ridiculous connections between political players, he has presented the country with a bizarre viewpoint that many misunderstood to be news, due to his association with a so-called news network. Using fear, apprehension and good old fashioned trickery he has tugged at the desperate heartstrings of Americans who were only looking for a way to improve the country. Unfortunately his disjointed way of thinking has permeated into many people’s political views. This in no way is a good thing. He has taken the logic and and self-control out of incredibly important political discussion and somehow made it OK to be insane. He has made blatant racism, sexism and bigotry OK as long as you believe that you are doing what an “American” should do.

Tears of a Clown: Glenn Beck and the Tea Bagging of America

Tears of a Clown: Glenn Beck and the Tea Bagging of America

Think about how he handles issues or people who have a different opinion than him.  Now imagine you are sitting at Thanksgiving dinner with your extended family. Each of your relatives is from different areas of the country, with different upbringings and points of view. They are different people with different religious and political viewpoints. Now imagine you took a Glenn-Beck style stance about the way Americans ought to put gravy on their stuffing. In minutes there would be crying, fighting and food flying everywhere! The very thought of acting like this at the dinner table with your family should be preposterous. You wouldn’t dream of acting this way, of treating people with such disrespect. It is childish, immature and completely irresponsible. So why is it so many American people think we can put respect and courtesy aside when we are discussing politics?

This is the real damage that Glenn Beck has done. Many others on FOX take the same attitude towards politics and with working within our political system. They take a hard core, zealot stance, unwilling to budge on any issue. And they deride those that do appreciate the power of compromise and the dignity of working together as weak and lacking conviction. They call their fellows Nazis, unpatriotic, traitors to America and worse. This is not the way to a better country. This attitude is what is creating the terrible divides in this country, and the unwillingness to work toward real change. This style of politico battling is what is taking the power away from the people and giving it to a select few. By using this uncompromising stance on any and all issues, it forces people out of the political arena in disgust. How to reason with the unreasonable? You can’t.

Common Nonsense: Glenn Beck and the Triumph of Ignorance

Common Nonsense: Glenn Beck and the Triumph of Ignorance

We need to have, no we must have, a political environment that welcomes everyone and their opinions. We must have a political system the embraces different ideas and the philosophies of compromise to make America and its people a better, happier place. It has to start with each of us. It has to start with the People. We need to bring respect back into the debate. We need to bring honor back into politics. We need to strive, each and every one of us, to become a better steward of ourselves and America.

So I say good riddance to bad rubbish. It does my heart good to see arguably the most partisan and corporately motivated network even consider such a move. It gives me hope that maybe, just maybe the American people are a bit smarter than FOX gives them credit for. Maybe, just maybe FOX will strive for a more intelligent, honest and open political environment. And perhaps Americans will follow suit, and realize the way toward change is not through ridiculous talking heads telling people what to think.

Here’s to hoping.

Montage of Crazy Glenn

This one is great. They present some key arguments over the years for both sides of an issue, depending of course if there was a Republican or Democratic president.

Hating 911 Victims

Crazy Talk

Bye Glenn, we won’t miss you.





Stop Corporate Corruptions Influence in Politics with Progressives United

russ-feingoldIt shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone the extent to which the corporate dollar has invaded every aspect of our lives. Corporations now have as many or more rights than the everyday citizen. Their influence runs deep and is shaping the country in their favor, not in the interest of this nation’s citizens. The corporations are slowly eroding the rights and freedoms of the American people.

Foremost among a great many recent travesties of justice was the landmark decision a little over a year ago concerning the Citizen’s United decision, in which the Supreme Court ruled that corporations were entitled to the full protection of the First Amendment, allowing them unlimited and unchecked campaign donations in elections.

This literally means that the Supreme Court overturned 100 years of law and precedent to allow corporations to buy elections. Corporations now have the ability to purchase elections. This isn’t sensationalism. If a corporation can finance a candidate’s campaign,  it can flood whichever politician supports their corporate greed with unlimited funds.

President Obama criticized the ruling, calling it “a green light to a new stampede of special interest money in our politics. It is a major victory for big oil, Wall Street banks, health insurance companies and the other powerful interests that marshal their power every day in Washington to drown out the voices of everyday Americans.”

This is not what America is about.

This is not how we make America great again.

Luckily for us Russ Feingold has started his own organization, Progressives United, to fight back against this horrible and very destructive decision. We cannot allow corporations any more control of our political system.

Corporations have a vested interest in capitalism and unregulated free markets in order to take as much advantage as possible of the American people.

The economic collapse occurred with the Republicans in power, still touting elimination of regulation and insisting the markets would self-regulate, while at the same time begged and threatened the American people for a bailout for the very companies that caused the collapse.  Instead of allowing a company to “sink or swim”, as is the opportunity given every company in a Capitalist economy, they were given hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars. It’s sickening to realize these companies were literally rewarded for years of mismanagement, bad debts and gambling with the American people’s well-being. After Americans bailed them out of their troubles, how did the banks return the favor? By rubber-stamping hundreds of thousands of foreclosures and making it difficult for borrowers to modify their subprime mortgages into loans with interest rates and monthly payments they could actually afford.

This blatant manipulation cannot be allowed to permeate completely into our political system. There is something you can do to fight back against the billions of dollars they will throw at their own greedy interests. Get involved, get educated and join organizations like the newly formed Progressives United.

Russ Feingold has taken a bold step and started the organization, Progressives United. His primary goal is to fight back against the corporate corruption that is so entrenched in our political system. His message should be heard and carried to Washington so those politicians know we will not stand for it. More importantly get your family, friends and neighbors involved in the cause to push back corporate greed and influence in America.

This is your country. This is our country. Take it back and make your voice heard over the millions of dollars of ads they will surely throw at this threat to their greed.


P.O. Box 620062

Middleton, WI 53562

phone: 608-831-7877

fax: 608-831-3192

email: info@progressivesunited.org





Planned Parenthood is About Women’s Health

Political Maneuvering Threatens the Health of Millions of Women

planned-parenthood-busThe attacks on our basic services continue. This time they are targeting women’s health. The government wants to make outrageous funding cuts Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood provides a broad spectrum of essential services to millions of women. Their opposition chooses to focus on one facet of service to women in order to justify the cuts. Planned Parenthood provides invaluable health care services for millions of women, without the burden of narrow, shortsighted, and religious views. Politicians seek to cut funding through the guise of required budget cuts that only go after the services they are ideologically opposed to. Shameful.

Planned Parenthood helps millions of women a year through services and education. They provide preventative care, help women deal with serious health concerns, reproductive issues, and provide education regarding healthy pregnancy.

Many of these women have little to no income, and cannot afford regular health insurance and health care. Planned Parenthood provides a safe and non-judgmental place where women can seek medical help and counseling. Those who could not seek treatment elsewhere would go untreated, were it not for this organization, ultimately costing Medicare and other social services so much more.

They also provide a place for teenagers who are sexually active or are considering becoming sexually active to get some education, health care, and contraception, in most states without requiring parental consent. In some cases, teenagers who are too afraid or embarrassed to ask their parents have a resource for this information, preventing teen pregnancy and disease.

Planned Parenthood is a vital part of our support structure for these women and help to prevent many preventable and treatable deaths per year.


Planned Parenthood provides the following services and many more to low income women nationwide:

  • STD Tests
  • Pap Smears
  • Breast Exams
  • Birth Control
  • Reproductive Issues Education
  • Service for Title X Patients

Stand With Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood plans a week-long demonstration throughout the country to counter the misinformation being spread by anti-choice demonstrators and Republicans pushing these funding cuts beginning March 7th.

Write your representatives and tell them it is totally unacceptable to cut funding to such a vital group as Planned Parenthood. It is especially insulting when they are willing to sacrifice the health and well-being of millions of women and children, but are unwilling to give up tax breaks for the upper 2% of Americans (which would greatly decrease the need to make these kind of budget cuts in the first place). It is totally un-American to force its most desperate people to sacrifice so much when the politicians will not sacrifice even a little.

If you can head out to one of the demonstration areas and join Planned Parenthood in their Truth Tour, please do so this week. Show your support for them and the millions of women they support. Don’t let the ridiculous Politico environment continue to erode our most basic services, our safety nets, that help to keep this country and its people strong. Stand up, stand tall, and support the rights of the people and the services they use. Fight back, stand proud and help Planned Parenthood keep the funding it needs to keep reaching out to millions of low income women.

Please go and sign the petition in support of Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood supports millions of women nationwide who depend on their services for their own personal health.

Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin Ups the Ante on Abolishing Worker Rights

ru-serious-femaleThe madness continues as the Republican Governor of Wisconsin ups the ante stating that if none of the fourteen state Democratic Senators return to vote on this widely unpopular bill he will lay off 1500 people to make up for the budget deficit due to the stalled bill. This is absolutely ridiculous and I hold that those in Wisconsin keep faith and stay strong with standing up for their rights as workers and citizens of this country.

It continues to boggle my mind that such extremes had to be taken to stop a bill that is largely opposed but due to pass the state Senate because of the Republican majority. This perfectly illustrates how our system is broken and why we need something in place to make the politicians immediately liable and accountable for their wishy-washy and often times unpopular voting records. Their job is to represent the people’s will and the politicians need to be held to account when they vote and work against the peoples will such as it is in this case.

Gallup Poll

Eliminating Collective Bargaining Rights for State Unions

As you may know, one way the legislature in Wisconsin is seeking to reduce its budget deficit is by passing a bill that would take away some of the collective bargaining rights of most public unions, including the state teachers’ union. Would you favor or oppose such a bill in your state?

Demographic % In Favor % that Oppose % No Opinion
National Adults 33 61 6
Democrats 18 78 4
Independents 31 62 8
Republicans 54 41 5
Total Average 34 60.5 5.75

New York Times Poll

Americans Weigh in on Labor Unions and Public Employees

Collective bargaining refers to negotiations between an employer and a labor union’s members to determine the conditions of employment. Some states are trying to take away some of the collective bargaining rights of public employee unions. Do you favor or oppose taking away some of the collective bargaining rights of these unions?

Oppose to Eliminating Worker Rights 60%
In Favor Eliminating Worker Rights 33%
No Opion on Worker Rights 7%

What is at stake here are the workers basic rights to a fair and honest work place. Worker unionization is creating a democratic work environment. If a bill was introduced to limit our freedoms and our right to the Democracy of the United States of America it would be laughed right out the door. It would be hailed as a traitorous, treasonous act and would never, ever have a chance to come to a vote.

Most of the American working people have quietly allowed our workplaces to become dictatorships. For some reason we are OK with this but we shouldn’t be. We just sit back quietly and let employers dictate how our working conditions are, what we will get paid and what authoritarian rules we must follow. Over the recent years of deregulation and degradation of civil rights we have increasingly given ground quietly and calmly. We have allowed the corporate interests to wash over our own peoples personal interests both politically and personally. The last line of defense is, ironically, our very first right to be able to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Taking away this from public workers is not only wrong and shameful, all the people in American need to understand this is a constitutionally protected right. Everyone needs to exercise this right. We need stand up and stand proud.

It’s time all American workers stand up for their rights and what is right for America. Stand behind the Democratic Senators of Wisconsin. Stand behind the teachers, fire fighters, police officers and the many other public workers that keep our nation going.

When they threaten to fire 1,500 hard working every day American people you ask them why these Americans must lose their jobs when these very same Republics brought our national government to a standstill because they would not give up their huge tax breaks. These very same tax breaks, should they have expired, would have flooded both the federal and state governments with long overdue funds which would have put our country on much sounder footing.

thomas-jeffersonInstead the wealthiest 1% of people get to hang onto their tax breaks and loopholes while the rest of the 99% of American people pay for these tax cuts with our own stagnant and oftentimes dwindling salaries. They can’t seem to afford a tax break but they ask us to lose our jobs, lose our houses and lose our pride in a county that is supposed to be the land of prosperity but is showing ruin to millions of American’s.

Shout back, stand up and go protest. Sign petitions, participate in polls but most importantly get involved. Organize on Facebook, tweet or whatever your representatives and make sure they hear that America’s people are sick and tired of the ridiculous politico environment and they, we, I, demand that things turn around for us, the 99% of the country that is getting the short end of the stick. Raise the taxes back to pre-Reagan years on the wealthiest of Americans. Let the last 30 years of tax breaks come flooding back into our Country so we can rebuild and become the America that 99% of us want it to be.

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

-Thomas Jefferson


Here are a few sources for your reference.

  • http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41901713/ns/us_news-life
  • http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41901713/ns/us_news-life#slice-3
  • http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/03/01/large-majority-of-americans-back-public-employee-union-rights-poll/
  • http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/02/28/us/28union-poll-results.html
  • http://blog.aflcio.org/2011/03/02/another-poll-shows-americans-support-public-employees-rights/
  • http://blog.aflcio.org/2011/03/02/maddow-half-of-voters-want-to-recall-walker/
  • http://www.minnpost.com/ericblack/2011/03/01/26237/poll_hurts_gop_drive_to_limit_public_workers_rights
  • http://www.gallup.com/poll/146276/Scaling-Back-State-Programs-Least-Three-Fiscal-Evils.aspx
  • http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/01/us/01poll.html?_r=2&hp
  • http://www.nytimes.com/imagepages/2011/03/01/us/01poll_graphic.html?ref=us
  • http://www.fightthebias.com/Quotes/thomas_jefferson.htm


Wisconsin’s Democrats Take a Stand

government-buildingDoes it shock and disgust you that the Democrats in Wisconsin were forced to literally ditch the vote to stop the passage of the anti-union legislation in the senate? It should.

What was shocking? This legislation was introduced as a way to make a not only an attempt to balance the state a budget but also has a veiled attempt to destroy the bargaining power of state employees in their union.

What was so disgusting? It boggles my mind that they have the audacity to look to the teachers, firefighters and police to make major sacrifices when the Republicans themselves will not even concede to allow the tax cuts for the most wealthy (Make over $250,000 a year) in America to expire.

There is something fundamentally wrong asking someone to give up their basic civil rights when you yourself will not agree to a more equitable tax rate.

Find plenty of stories on this amazing turn of events here: Google Search

First we must not, cannot, give up any more of our collective bargaining rights. We as a people must not bow to the politico forces and there strange and often times convincing spin. We as a people must always keep our fundamental rights in the foreground and make decisions based off those first. We are a nation built on, and dependent on, its people. If we fail our people, America will fail.

By the people, for the people.

This constitutionally protected right must be maintained at all costs. Look at what happened with the breaking of the unions for airline pilots. They at one time made good money. Many smart, qualified people pushed hard to get into the field. This gave us an airline industry full of proud, well qualified pilots who did nothing else but focus on being a good quality pilot. This made the flying safer, more secure and attracted high end talent to this important industry.

Now the only pilots that fly are those that do it simply because they love it or did not realize how little they would be paid and how much they would have to work due to the lack of being unionized. Many are forced now to have second jobs and take double shifts just to make ends meet.

Doing that here would do the same thing by gutting the very infrastructure of Wisconsin. Do you really want only the desperate and ignorant to become the next set of teachers, firefighters and police officers? Even those that are willing to work for nothing will likely be forced out of that career due to simple financial requirements to survive. These are the people that should be paid well. They are the ones that keep America strong. Not the other way around.

Besides this argument to retain a strong foundation to our society, it can also be considered illegal and unconstitutional.

Amendment 1

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Secondly, if the wealthiest 1% of American’s are not willing to give up the massive tax breaks, fighting tooth and nail to retain the inequitable tax breaks, how can they ask the rest of America to make such sacrifices that lead to un employment, losing their homes and even death. So many Americans are already without health insurance, this would just force more there. Some would most certainly die simply because they were unable to afford health insurance.

So they want the people to give up all of these things in exchange for the wealthiest 1% to have a better tax break? That makes me sick. It should make you sick.

The bottom line is I fully support the Democratic Senators of Wisconsin and their unorthodox but effective fighting of this unjust bill. I wish them the best and hope that their actions open the eyes of all of the people in America to the continued assault on our prosperity.

Together We Stand

Divided We Fall

us_flag_004We are a nation of people that has become incredibly divided and have been for some time. We have fallen from our perch at the top and we continue to sink lower. Our economy is floundering. Our politics is poisonous. Our news has turned into corporate spokes people pushing the agenda’s of private corporations and not the agenda of its people it is supposed to selflessly serve.

Our country is broken folks. It is not just annoying. It is not just frustrating. It does not just have a problem or two. America is broken and failing on many, almost all levels. Our education system is failing our children. Our economy is failing is people. Our military is failing our wars. Our intelligence is failing our security. Our politics are failing its people. Our fear is failing our freedom. You are failing your country. I am failing our country.

Not anymore.

I am a patriot. I love this country. I love this land I have grown up in and I have quietly stood back and watched it slowly crumble around me. I have sat quietly by while this country and its people rot all the while covered in an illusionary blanket of the American Dream.

Not anymore.

I am a middle class American. I live in the middle of the country. My income, my family and my life fall right into what middle class is. The problem is I see fear, panic and destruction all around me. Often of those that are as well off or more then I am. I see them losing their jobs. I see them losing their houses. I see them losing their pride, their determination and their hope in America.

This I cannot tolerate anymore.

We have all been fed an illusion of security and eventual happiness should we just hold onto the false promise that some day we will magically become one of the upper 1% of the country that holds over 90% of the wealth. [1] We hold to these hopes even while our jobs are taken. We hold to these hopes when our houses are taken. We hold to these hopes when we watch our friends and family die from treatable, preventable diseases.

This I will not abide anymore.

How does one like myself fight back against the corruption, the greed, the seemingly insurmountable barrier that is the multi-billion dollar corporate juggernaut?

I started www.peoplepolitico.com, a place those people stuck in the politico center can have their voice.

These corporations that are controlling our, my, your, political system can throw billions of dollars at our government but where we can match them, dollar for dollar, blood for blood is with our vote.

One person, one vote.

Your one vote could literally be worth billions of dollars of misinformation campaigns. Your one vote can bring you happiness now, not maybe later. Your one vote can turn the tides of the corporate behemoth more surely then all of the money they throw at a lie and illusion will not shatter the truth of an educated, voting public.

In the days, months and years to come I, along with the other great writers of peoplepolitico.com hope to help you stand up and bring your voice to the voting booth. We will work to provide perspective and insight from the vast majority of American people that are stuck in this toxic politico environment.

Our pledge to you is to be as factual as possible and site our sources. As sad as it is to say we hope to bring you news and information our free press has largely failed to do. Our focus will be on politics but we may venture into other areas should we feel they are relevant.

The sad and simple truth is that if all of the voting American people kept up to date on the workings of America and voted for what would benefit them the most, now, we would live in a strikingly different country where so many more of us would be prosperous and happy.

So please visit us frequently. Bookmark our site, subscribe to the RSS feed and share us on your favorite social networks. We are you. Middle class American people just looking for the country we want.

Welcome to People Politico.

People Politico Launching Soon

We are very excited about this website and hope that you will be too. We will be getting our writers together and you should soon see their work on the site. We hope that this small site can help to let the everyone know that the voices in the center might be quiet, but they are many!

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